For a while (many moons ago), I did a series of articles at the DigitalWebbing site called "Breaking Out!". It actually started as a newsletter I put together with articles and interviews and even its own comic section. But it wasn’t easy to print up newspapers like that (and I was very raw in the ways of the pre-press), so I went digital with it.
The whole purpose of the Breaking Out! column was to motivate new and aspiring creators and also get them to approach finding work in the industry like a job hunt. Oddly, there was this disconnect that some young creators didn’t think they had to treat it like a job hunt (but then I doubted most of them considered it a real job anyways), and I wanted to change some of that mentality.
My background at that point was mostly from the military, but I knew about helping people find jobs. As people left the military, I watched many of them make mistake after mistake. Not wanting to make those same mistakes, I learned all I could about job searching and resume writing and interviewing. I turned out to be pretty good at it. I volunteered a lot of time to help friends leaving the military get good jobs (or better jobs than what was being offered). I remember helping one person get offers $15K higher just by tweaking her resume and helping her evaluate companies before interviewing with them.
When I did leave the military (medical severance, so it hit quickly), I was prepared. Resume written (and kept updated). I kept in the loop with various companies in the area that had Oracle shops and could use my skillset. Plus, I had an interview lined up within 15 minutes of emailing my resume out to companies and was hired for a new job before before I even finished outprocessing from the military.
So these series of columns was my way of passing on some of that information I’d gathered over years. A lot of creative folks pour all their time and energy into actually creating and little things like building resumes and developing interview skills and learning how to interact with businesses… well, those things escaped them sometimes. I actually got a lot of good responses from these articles and a couple dozen success stories from readers who had applied the techniques and found opportunities.
These articles no longer appear on the DigitalWebbing website, but I have them archived here for anyone who wants a little extra motivation and some creative business sense.
- Welcome to Breaking Out!
- No Solicitors!
- Comic Creator Credentials
- The Little Things
- BDSM: Bondage
- BDSM: Discipline
- BDSM: Sadism
- BDSM: Masochism
- Long-Term Thinking
- Convention Tips #1: Public Speaking
- Convention Tips #2: Portfolio Reviews
- Convention Tips #3: Etiquette
- The "Conversational" Portfolio for Writers
- Do You Have a Dream?
- Pessimism Voodoo Doll
- Bonding With the Muse
- Quitters Quit!
- Burnt and Frazzled
- Exposing Yourself
- Getting Done Without "I Am Going To…" (this was a new Breaking Out! article I added last year).
Look for more archive of some of my other columns (The Art of Words and The Creative Adviser) to show up here in the coming months.